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Paediatric Dentistry

Paediatric dentistry, or children's dentistry, is the speciality of dentistry that deals with the examination, diagnosis and treatment of children and even babies. Our Dental Clinic located in Aluche offers this service.

At Hinboca Clínica Dental we believe that as teeth are the only organ in the human body that do not regenerate by themselves. That is why early detection of tooth decay is crucial to prevent future problems.

Typical treatments in children are usually restorative treatments due to trauma, the use of sealants to prevent caries or directly to treat caries commonly known as "pitting". The difference between this speciality and adult dentistry is that children have different dentitions. These include the primary or "milk" dentition and the mixed dentition in which the child is molting primary teeth and has already erupted some permanent teeth.

Always keep in mind...

Odontopediatría, dentista para niños en Madrid

Teeth are the only organ in the human body that do not regenerate themselves. That is why early detection of tooth decay is crucial to prevent future problems.

The child’s first visit to the dentist should be at one year of age and then periodically every six months for check-ups. The aim is prevention.

In the case of caries in the child’s mouth, it will be necessary to differentiate the type of dentition (temporary or permanent), as the treatment to be carried out may vary depending on this.

If the caries reaches the nerve and we are dealing with primary or “milk” teeth, a pulpotomy is performed, which has nothing to do with the endodontics performed on adult patients. If the decay does not affect the nerve of the tooth, a filling is performed.

A temporary tooth is only extracted when there is no other option. This occurs when there is a very extensive infection and may even affect the roots. In this type of case, the child should always be fitted with a space maintainer to prevent the gap from closing, as this is the space necessary for the permanent teeth to occupy.

An extensive infection not treated in time can affect the child’s permanent teeth. For this reason, we recommend going for a check-up every six months and preventing possible dental pathologies that are sometimes not visible to the naked eye.