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Carlos Morilla - Equipo Hinboca

Dr. Carlos Morilla

Director and Dentist

Graduate in dentistry from the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid

Own degree in Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine from the Montepríncipe Hospital in Madrid and the San Pablo CEU University.

Postgraduate in Implantology from the Complutense University of Madrid.

  • Member member of the Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osteointegration.

  • Partner member of the ITI Society (International Team for Implantology)

  • Exclusive private practice in implantology, surgery, periodontics and endodontics.

  • Accreditation for the Management of X-Ray facilities for medical purposes by the SNE (Spanish Nuclear Society, Sanchinarro Hospital, Madrid).

Carmen Caballero dentista equipo Hinboca

Dra. Carmen Caballero


Graduated in dentistry from the European University of Madrid.

Official Master’s Degree in Advanced Orthodontics from the European University of Madrid.

Currently carrying out a Doctoral Thesis in Orthodontics.

  • Accreditation of the Invisalign orthodontic system.

  • Accreditation of the Insignia orthodontic system.

  • Accreditation for the Management of X-Ray facilities for medical purposes by the SNE (Spanish Nuclear Society) European University of Madrid.

Dra. Ángela Santiago


Graduated in dentistry from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Master in Orthodontics from the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

  • Accreditation for the Management of X-Ray facilities for medical purposes by the SNE (Spanish Nuclear Society) Complutense University of Madrid.

Joaquín Olivares equipo Hinboca

Dr. Joaquín O. Contreras


Graduate in Dentistry from the Rey Juan Carlos University.

Master in Endodontics and Aesthetics from the University of Mississippi.

  • Course/expert prosthetics on implants. EU-FP

  • Accreditation of management of X-ray facilities for dental diagnostic purposes.

  • Author of communications at scientific conferences.

Diana Alfano


Inmaculada Gómez

Dental hygienist

Montse González


Mónica Torijano


Verónica Arjona
